Now showing items 1-5 of 5
The importance of autopsy studies in elucidating coronary venous diseases
(Oxford University Press, 2021)
Akut İnferior Miyokard İnfarktüsü ile Prezente Olan Aort Diseksiyonu
(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2019-08-15)
Aort diseksiyonu, aortun intima ve media tabakasının birbirinden ayrıldığı, acil tanı ve tedavi gerektiren kardiyovasküler acillerden biridir. Göğüs ağrısı ile başvuran hastalarda elektrokardiyografilerde akut miyokard ...
A Rare Arrhythmia Accelerated Junctional Rhythm in Pregnant Without Structural Heart Disease
(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2019-03-18)
Changes in the pregnancy, especially with an increase in sympathetic activation, may provide a basis for the development of dysrhythmias. A 27- year old woman within the 26 weeks of her pregnancy with no known cardiac ...
How Does Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava Affect Human Heart Health?
(Republic of China Society of Cardiology, 2021)
We have read the article by Chao et al. with great interest. Persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC), an important congenital anomaly that increases coronary venous pressure because of increased coronary venous volume, ...
A new angiographic finding: primary peripheral slow flow
(Galenos Publishing House, 2021)
In some peripheral angiographies, similar to the coronary slow flow phenomenon (CSFP), we observed a peripheral slow flow (Supplementary Video 1). Although slow flow phenomenon after infrapopliteal balloon angioplasty is ...