Türkiye'nin elektrik enerjisi piyasasında yeniden yapılanma
Cengiz, S. (2006). Türkiye'nin elektrik enerjisi piyasasında yeniden yapılanma. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 4 (1) 125-147Özet
The energy of electricity, in paralel with the supply technology needs, in most of the countries has been supplied to consumers by monopols which have been vertically integrated. The dissatisfaction which is caused by this formation (vertical integration) coupled with the tendency to favour the private enterprises that was so common in the 1980's led to regenerate their sector of the electricity supply. Turkey has undergone a reform on the electricity energy sector. In this article, we are looking for the answer as to whether Turkey has really formated a competitive market relating to the reformation on the electricity energy sector.
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