Application of quantum self-frictional nonperturbative theory for the study of atomic anharmonic oscillator potentials and their arbitrary derivatives
Guseinov, I. I., Mamedov, B. A., & Çopuroğlu, E. (2021). Application of quantum self-frictional nonperturbative theory for the study of atomic anharmonic oscillator potentials and their arbitrary derivatives. Indian Journal of Physics, 95(3), 405-410. doi:10.1007/s12648-019-01657-7Özet
The self-frictional (SF) nonperturbative theory, introduced by one of the authors, is used for the evaluation of the V-(pl*()) and V-(alpha*) atomic anharmonic oscillator potentials and their derivatives, where p(l)* = 2l + 2 - alpha* and alpha* represent the integer (alpha* = alpha, -infinity < alpha <= 2) or non-integer (alpha* not equal alpha, -infinity< alpha* < 3) SF quantum numbers. This study is based on the use of complete sets of L-(pl*())and L-(alpha*) SF polynomials. The dependence of the potentials and their derivatives from the nucleus distances is investigated. All of the obtained results are valid for the arbitrary values of quantum numbers, scaling parameters and SF quantum numbers.