Feeding ecology of portunid crab, Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847 in Cardak Lagoon (The Turkish Straits System)
Acar, S. & Ateş, A.S. (2021). Feeding ecology of portunid crab, Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847 in Çardak Lagoon (The Turkish Straits System) Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 38(2), 155-159. DOI: 10.12714/egejfas.38.2.03Özet
The aim of the present study was to determine the feeding ecology of portunid crab, Carcinus aestuarii in Çardak Lagoon. For this purpose, a total of 533 crab stomachs were analyzed. Stomach contents were examined under a binocular stereomicroscope and 240 (45%) of the stomach samples were recorded as full (containing at least one food item) and 293 (55%) were recorded as empty. The occupancy rates were 25% in 127 stomachs, 50% in 69, and 100% of 44. The main diet of crab individuals was composed of fragments of fish species. Diatoms were the least consumed food by crabs. A total of 8494 diet fragments were found in the stomachs. Total stomach content was 26.39 g of fish vertebrates having the highest weight (3.58 g). Bu çalışmanın amacı Çardak Lagünü’ndeki portunid yengeç Carcinus aestuarii’nin beslenme ekolojisini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla toplam 533 yengeç midesi analiz edilmiştir. Mide içerikleri binoküler mikroskop altında incelenmiş ve 240 (%45) mide örneği dolu (en az bir besin maddesi içeren) ve 293’ü (%55) boş olarak kaydedilmiştir. Doluluk oranları 127 midede %25, 69’unda %50 ve 44’ünde %100’dür. Yengeç bireylerinin ana besin maddesini balık türlerinin parçaları oluşturmuştur. Diatomlar yengeçler tarafından en az tüketilen besindir. Midede toplamda 8494 besin parçası bulunmuştur. Balık omurları en yüksek ağırlığa (3.58 g) sahip olarak toplam mide içeriği 26.39 g’dır.