İkamet, Ticaret ve Seyrisefain Mukavelenamesi’nin Feshi ve Yunan Uyruklu Rumların Sınır Dışı Edilmeleri (1964)
Şimşek, H. (2007). İkamet, Ticaret ve Seyrisefain Mukavelenamesi’nin feshi ve Yunan uyruklu Rumların sınır dışı edilmeleri (1964). Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(1), 237-260.Abstract
Many Rum-Greeks settled in Turkey according to the “residence, Trade and Sea Transportation Agreement” signed in the atmosphere of Turkish-Greek friendship created as a result of the efforts of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Elefteros Venizelos at the beginning of 1930s. Most of these people, lived in Turkey for approximately 34 years, resided in Istanbul and engaged in trade. The Turkish Government under the İnönü’s Prime Ministership revised the agreement in question owing to increasing events in Cyprus at the beginning of 1960s and tension between Turkish-Greek relations due to these events. 12000 Rum-Greeks who were citizen of Greece were deported in accordance with the terms of agreement abrogated as a result of increasing public pressure. This study examines this process in respect to its causes and outcomes.
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