Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarında Müşteri Yönlülük ve İnovasyon Yönlülüğün Örgütsel Performansla İlişkisi
Marangoz, M., Önce, G. ve Fırat Şimşek, H. (2007). Sivil toplum kuruluşlarında müşteri yönlülük ve inovasyon yönlülüğün örgütsel performansla ilişkisi. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(2), 176-197.Abstract
Today, profit making organizations’ two approaches, being innovative and customer oriented are considered as a top priority for the realization of their targets. NonGovernmental organizations are non-profit making organizations. Yet, through their mission, NGOs should adopt their decision making mechanism to profit-making organizations in order to realize their targeted activities in changing economic and social circumstances. Within the scope of this study, being customer oriented that is considered as a sub heading of being market oriented and being innovation oriented approach that promotes innovative, creative and effective use of these tools are studied. It is believed that NGOs will reach basic performance levels when they function within these two paradigmas. The question thesis of the research is answered through investigation of NGOs with the theme “woman” that function in politics, media, education and entrepreneurship fields today. According to the obtained results, there is a posititive significance between customer and innovation orientation and the organizational performance.
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