Influence of various mouthrinses on color stability and whiteness of resin-based restorative materials
Çarıkçıoğlu, B. (2021). Influence of various mouthrinses on color stability and whiteness of resin‐based restorative materials. Color Research & Application, 46(5), 1142–1150.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of commonly used mouthrinseson the discoloration and whiteness of resin-based restoratives (RBR). Twohundred disc shaped specimens (5mm diameter, 2mm tick) of a micro-hybridcomposite (FZ-Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE), a ormocer (AD-Admira, Voco), agiomer (BE-Beautifil II, Shofu) and a compomer (DX-Dyract XP, Dentsply)RBRs were prepared (50 from each). The specimens were stored in distilledwater for 24 h, then immersed for another 12 h in five mouthrinses of distilledwater, Klorhex, Tantum Verde, Oral-B Complete Lasting Freshness andListerine Cool Mint. The specimens were subjected to color measurements,using a spectrophotometer (VITA Easyshade V, VITA Zahnfabrik) before andafter immersion. Color change (ΔE00) and whiteness index (WID) were calcu-lated and data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA andpost-hoc Tukey’s test (p< 0.05). BE was the most colored RBRs in all solu-tions.ΔE00values of all RBRs immersed in Tantum Verde were above theacceptability threshold. DX showed the highest negativeΔWID values in allsolutions.ΔE00andΔWID showed higher values for all RBRs when immersedin Tantum Verde. FZ and AD are the most successful, BE and DX are the mostunsuccessful RBRs in terms of on color stability and whiteness caused by theuse of mouthrinse. After all RBRs were immersed in different mouthrinses,they changed in terms of color and whiteness.