Interaction between the cauese of delinquency and the sources of social capital
Ünlü, A., Yıldız, S. ve Şahin, İ. (2010). Interaction between the cauese of delinquency and the sources of social capital. Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi, 5 (2), 45-79.Özet
The aim of this study is to analyze the literature about the impact of social capital on youth behavior. Research in substance use and social capital field was analyzed and related materials were integrated in an analytic approach. According to the literature, three dimensions of social capital have been well studied by many scholars in adolescent deviation field. The type of activities adolescents participate into, the types of intra-familial interactions between parents and adolescents, and the type of peer groups adolescents interact with were employed as indicators of social capital.
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